Environmental rehabilitation services - Abi Enviro-Solutions


ABi Enviro-Solutions is a company that operates in the field of environmental site assessments and rehabilitation of contaminated sites.

  • Environmental site assessment and characterization (Phases I, II and III)
  • Evaluation and preliminary and complementary characterization, rehabilitation, excavation, in situ treatment
  • IN SITU TREATMENT: Injections in contaminated soil and groundwater, soil vapor extraction and others; pilot-testing and feasibility studies
  • ENVIRONMENTAL LITIGATION: Expertise and research
  • Assistance for site assessment or characterization projects and in situ rehabilitation
  • Restoration of contaminated or damaged properties
  • Valorization of food industry residual matter
  • Research and development of applied green technologies


ABi Enviro-Solutions personnel has acquired cuttingedge knowledge as to contaminated sites impacted with chlorinated solvents such as PCE and TCE, VOCs and petroleum hydrocarbons. This allows us to evolve in the field of environmental forensics in the case of litigations. We also offer the full range of environmental sampling services for soil and groundwater as well as the mapping and computer modeling of different types of sites. We can intervene at various levels to offer you solutions that are adapted to your needs.

Service d’assistance et de conseils pour les cas de réhabilitation environnementale in situ de terrains contaminés
Gestion de projets de réaménagement de terrains endommagés


In association with our partners, we can manage restoration projects for damaged properties, such as brownfields, sensitive ecological areas, or industrial ecology projects.

Services d’évaluation environnementale et de réhabilitation environnementale de sites contaminés


We can offer assistance and counseling in the case of in situ environmental rehabilitation of contaminated properties and applied green technology projects for different environmental issues (residual matter valorization, industrial ecology).

ABi Enviro-Solutions pour vosprojets d'évaluation et caractérisation environnementale, ainsi que pour traitement in situ et litiges environnementaux